Corporate climate action with accountability

We’re expanding our certification to push corporate climate action further forward. Check back for updates on our 2025 Standard and trusted climate label — and get involved.
Net zero sign
hand showing the path towards climate neutrality

A milestone update for real climate action

Five years ago, we launched our climate certification to get consumer brands to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. Now, we’re the leading climate action label in the U.S. But as the climate crisis worsens, we need new ways to spark investment in a low-carbon future.
This year, we’re working on an update to our Standard that will create a scoreboard for financial accountability around greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. After a thorough, stakeholder-guided process, we will have our certification Standard updated for use beginning in 2025.

Track full climate transition investments

The evolved framework will evaluate how much companies are investing in the global net-zero transition. Certification will comprehensively assess investments across qualifying value chain projects, carbon credits, clean energy, and other initiatives. The framework will provide a new scorecard for financial accountability.

Create standardized internal carbon pricing

The framework will create a uniform approach to setting and applying an internal carbon price that is transparent and documented. This will create incentives for companies to factor carbon emission costs into their business decisions, and make it easier to understand a company’s climate initiatives.

Continued emphasis on reduction outcomes

Clear year-on-year tracking and disclosure of emissions, along with required target-setting and action planning, will make it possible to assess each certified company’s emissions reduction progress and priorities across their value chain.

Promote Climate Justice and Advocacy

The framework will include incentives to contribute to climate advocacy, policy, education, and climate justice. The enormity of climate change requires collective action, from new policies and regulations that limit emissions to greater investment in communities that bear an unjust burden.

Embracing Transparency and Accountability

“How companies actually invest in climate action matters more than aspirational pledges. The transparency at the heart of The Change Climate Project’s approach, as they evolve their Standard, can help ensure that climate goals and promises are backed by the progress we need to see in this decisive decade.”
Environmental Defense Fund
Elizabeth Sturcken
Managing Director
"As a co-op, we know we can accomplish far more when we work together in pursuit of a common goal. We see this effort by TCCP as a valuable convening opportunity that could accelerate progress in our collective fight against the climate crisis, and we are excited to be a part of it."
Greg Gausewitz
Senior Manager, Product Sustainability
“Climate action is essential today. As accountability for carbon emissions is a rapidly evolving space, TCCP’s evolving Standard will help point brands in the right direction by making value chain decarbonization a priority, while encouraging actions that can be taken in the near-term. We look forward to seeing this pioneering approach come to life, and the collective action it can bring.”
Aileen Lerch
Director of Sustainability

Our public comment period closed on June 18, but we still welcome your feedback.

We have received hundreds of comments on our Draft 2025 Standard. The next draft, released in the early Fall, will reflect these comments. If you would like to share feedback before then, please do so by email at

Timeline for Updating our Standard

October 2023

Changed our name to The Change Climate Project (TCCP) to better represent our broader vision.

November 2023 – January 2024

Consulted hundreds of sustainability thought leaders, NGOs and companies to inform the biggest update to our consumer-focused standard and label since our founding in 2019.

February 2024

Released initial draft of the Provisional Certification Requirements for early stakeholder feedback.

March 2024

Began beta testing with a limited group of participating companies.

April 2024

Start of a 60-day public comment period to gather insights and feedback from our wider community.

May – August 2024

Collect and synthesize feedback on the Standard from beta testing period and public input. Evaluate design and wording alternatives for the certification label.

Fall 2024

Public launch of the updated 2025 Standard and label.

January 2025

Begin certifying companies under the 2025 Standard.

Frequently Asked Questions

In General

About the Draft Standard

About the Label

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